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Saturday, November 16

11:00am EST

Assembling Knowledge of Metagenome Assembled Genomes (MAGs) through Annotation and KBase
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
DNA from microbial communities can be sequenced and assembled to learn about the microbes potentially present in unique environments. Powerful computational tools, along with more accessible sequencing technologies, have made metagenome-assembled genome (MAG) analysis possible in course-based settings. However, the computational methods and assumptions surrounding MAGs and their use for understanding the microbes in biomes are often complex and intimidating to new users. The BIT 477/577 Metagenomics course enrolls undergraduate and graduate students in a half-semester lab experience. We hypothesized that collaborative annotation of specific bioinformatics research articles paired with student application of tools using guided case studies with the powerful KBase bioinformatics portal would improve learning key MAG concepts. Pre- and post-quizzes and student confidence with bioinformatics tools were used to assess students, and annotations were quantified and analyzed qualitatively. Data has been collected over several semesters using consistent assessments, reading assignments, and KBase narratives. Gains were found for specific MAG analysis concepts and data interpretation. However, misconceptions continue, and confidence in bioinformatics approaches varies. Additional exploration of qualitative data may suggest concepts to reinforce and resources to support learners. Combining KBase, social annotation, guided case studies, and assessments successfully promotes student understanding of MAGs and the assumptions associated with their creation and use.
avatar for Carlos Goller

Carlos Goller

Associate Teaching Professor, North Carolina State University
I am an Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences and teach in the Biotechnology Program (BIT) at North Carolina State University. I am very interested in integrating open practices in the courses I teach. I believe strongly in non-throwaway assignments... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Class debate as an effective learning tool that promotes collaborative and active learning
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Background: Active learning strategies are key to engaging students. In this study activities were developed for implementation in microbiology and immunology classrooms to encourage active, collaborative learning. Statement of research question: Determine if activities developed promoted critical thinking, helped students develop presentation skills and enhanced collaborative learning. Study design and methods: Two interdisciplinary activities were developed: 1.Diseases caused by some common bacteria 2.Which is the most important immune cell? The implementation of activity 1 is described below. Groups of students were assigned one bacterium, they researched/presented key features of this bacterium/disease caused to the class, debating against other groups to promote their bacterium as being the most harmful. Pre, post-quizzes and survey were used to determine student learning, engagement and satisfaction. Data supporting effectiveness of strategy: Microbiology students (n = 41) during Spring 2024 participated. The difference between the pre- and post-quiz scores was statistically significant (t-test; p=0.00) No statistically significant difference in variance between pre- and post-quiz was observed (F-test; p-value 0.21). Most students (97.7%) found the activity helped them understand bacterial diseases, 95% said that this activity reinforced the concepts of aseptic techniques and use of personal protection equipment when handling microbes in the laboratory. Most (86%) stated that this activity helped improve skills in analyzing information, and 93% said they learnt something new in a fun way. Most participants (79%) said they would like to see more activities like this in classes. Statistical analyses to determine the difference between pre- and post- quiz scores for each question and differences in the scores between lower and higher level Bloom's questions will also be undertaken. Concluding Statement: This activity engaged students in the classroom. Activity 2 will be implemented later this year. We will also gauge students’ long-term retention of the concepts learnt through the activities implemented.

Thiru Vanniasinkam

Associate Professor, Charles Sturt University

Bhaswati Manish

Biology Instructor, Metropolitan Community College
avatar for Archana Lal

Archana Lal

Professor of Biology, Labette Community College
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Designing custom microbiology courseware to encourage self-regulated learning using the Codon Learning platform.
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Microbiology courseware was designed using the Codon Learning platform, and the effectiveness in improving students' self-regulated learning was evaluated. The Codon Learning platform, developed by a team of science educators and researchers, features evidence-based strategies to encourage student self-regulated learning, including metacognition, spaced practice, and self-testing. The questions and topics are structured around transparent, lesson-level learning objectives. Codon Learning offers courseware content developed, authored, and reviewed by experts in the field. However, Codon authored courseware for microbiology is not yet available. This project took advantage of the flexibility of the Codon platform to create customized microbiology courseware to encourage students’ self-regulated learning through iterative rounds of formative assessment and immediate feedback. Using backward course design, the instructor (KY) organized the microbiology custom Codon content around 14 topics covering 55 lesson-level learning objectives (LOs). Many of the LOs for this course were based on the ASM Curriculum Guidelines. Formative assessments, such as homework assignments, were then aligned to the LOs. Codon Learning’s education support team provided guidance for courseware development, and collected and analyzed data measuring student engagement and performance in the platform. Student attitudes about using the Codon platform for their microbiology course were measured using an end-of-semester survey. Thirty-four students engaged with formative assessments in the platform outside of class, with a 99% completion rate on eleven homework assignments spaced throughout the semester. When surveyed, 58% of the students agreed that the platform helped them to study more efficiently and 71% agreed that Codon encouraged them to return to topics they were struggling with. This indicated that the Codon platform courseware encouraged students’ self-regulated learning. Moreover, the Codon platform provided the framework to create custom microbiology courseware linking course topics to lesson-level learning objectives.
avatar for Karen York

Karen York

Professor of Biology, Stockton University
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Drosophila Variation in Experimental Design and Analysis (DrosoVEDA): An intuitive plain-English approach to variation and statistics for first-year students from diverse backgrounds
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Background: Experimental design and analyses require an understanding of variation, a critical concept for STEM students. DrosoVEDA addresses an unmet need to develop and evaluate an undergraduate laboratory curriculum that provides students with a deep understanding of biological variation and statistics. Lycoming College has a diverse student population, with 31% students from the global majority. Research Question: Can a 3-week lab curriculum redesign improve diverse students’ understanding of biological variation and statistics? Study design/methods: Three new 3-hour lab exercises were developed to address sources of variation (organismal, systemic/experimental, and measurement error); the importance of appropriate sample sizes and unbiased sampling methods; the relationships between numeric and visual representations of means, standard errors, t statistics, and significant differences; the verbal meaning of terms in the t statistic equation; and when t tests are and are not appropriate. A 16-question assessment tool was adapted from a zebrafish-based curriculum (BioVEDA; Dewey et al. 2020; Hicks et al. 2020), and administered as a pre- and post-test. Drosophila were reared at 18 ºC or 25 ºC, and students chose sampling strategies and used microscopes to measure the length of the L3 vein. Students discussed strengths and weaknesses of different ways to represent and compare the data, graphically and statistically. Data: 64 students in 4 lab sections took the pretest during Week 1, and again at semester’s end for a post-test. Within-student pre-versus-post paired t tests showed highly significant learning gains, with p values of 9.5e-7 for one instructor and 0.004 for another instructor. Average pretest scores were 6.73 (sd 2.74, SEM 0.428) and posttest scores were 8.81 (sd 3.00, SEM 0.501), confirming that DrosoVEDA works. Conclusion: The DrosoVEDA curriculum improved student comprehension of variation, graphing, and statistical summary and testing. Further question-by-question analysis will guide the next round of revisions to the lab curriculum.
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Empowering Students in Molecular Genetics: A Scalable Research Model for Threatened Species Conservation
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Background. As our institution grows, we face challenges in providing independent research opportunities for all undergraduates. To address this, we implemented a course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) focused on the ecologically important and threatened gopher tortoise. With limited genetic data available on this species, students were taught DNA isolation, PCR, Sanger sequencing, and microbiome analysis. Research Question: We asked how does this course impact students’ perception of research and their own science identity. Research Design and Methods: Over two years, 17 out of 25 students (68% response rate) reflected on their experiences with a writing assignment and completed a survey on goal orientation, future motivations, science identity, and provided demographics. Results: To protect student identities; we report only demographic information held by at least 20% of the students. 53% Caucasian, 29% Hispanic, 24% Asian; 65% female, 24% male; 47% first-generation college graduates. Student perceptions of science identity varied, and 88% reported a change in their perception of whether research could afford several goals. Outcomes included a first-author research article, GenBank sequence submissions, and thesis completions. Anecdotally, some students chose to apply to graduate school. Conclusions: Our data support the efficacy of this CURE in enhancing students' development and perceptions of research while contributing novel findings to the field. We also present ideas for scaling this approach.
avatar for Kelsie Bernot

Kelsie Bernot

Instructor of Biology, Florida Atlantic University
I've been a biology education researcher for over a decade now, starting when I was a postdoc teaching Intro Bio at Ohio State University. I was an Associate Professor at North Carolina A&T State University for 9 years and am now an Instructor of Biology at the Wilkes Honors College... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Enhancing Student Learning and Inclusion in Environmental Toxicology through Hands-on Biological Models
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Background: In my Environmental Toxicology and Health Lab course, an innovative hands-on biological model group project was designed aiming to improve student engagement and comprehension. This approach enhanced students' research, analytical, and presentation skills while fostering a deeper understanding of environmental toxicology concepts and promoting inclusion. Statement of Research Question: How does the implementation of hands-on biological model projects in the curriculum affect student learning outcomes, presentation skills, and inclusion? Study Design and Methods: Students were assigned to groups and tasked with designing and conducting experiments using biological models to test the toxicity of substances of their choice. They were guided on how to conduct searches, perform literature reviews, design studies, and present findings through posters, reports, and oral presentations. Emphasis was placed on encouraging students to explore topics of personal interest, enhancing engagement and ownership of the learning process. Examples included the impact of alcohol on daphnia, TC50/LC50 bioassays of Cannabidiol on mealworms, and the toxicity of household bleach and vinegar on yeast cells. Pre- and post-project assessments evaluated changes in understanding of course concepts, citation skills, and sense of inclusion. Data Supporting Effectiveness of Strategy and Conclusion: In final exams, 93.75% of students answered questions related to animal models and risk assessment correctly, compared to 43.75% before the project. Post-project assessments revealed that 100% of students cited references professionally using APA style in lab reports, up from 50% before the project. Qualitative feedback indicated students felt more included and engaged when exploring topics of personal interest. These results suggest the hands-on group project significantly enhanced understanding of key concepts, professional presentation skills, and inclusion. Concluding Statement: This approach effectively improves student learning outcomes, presentation skills, and inclusion, indicating its potential for broader application in biological education, particularly in promoting an active and inclusive learning environment.
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Generative AI in Undergraduate Education: Challenges and Strategies for Ethical Integration
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Generative AI (GenAI) can synthesize data, learn patterns, and create new content. However, its accessibility presents educators with a significant pedagogical dilemma: should they integrate or prohibit its use? Opponents often cite the potential for academic dishonesty, bias, lack of accountability and authenticity. However, I hypothesize that if students are educated on the ethical use of GenAI, they can use these tools to enhance their learning without compromising academic integrity. In this study, undergraduate microbiology students engaged in a semester-long, team-based project to explore and investigate a microbe. The assignment aimed to develop critical thinking, writing, presentation, and interpersonal skills. Students synthesized and edited primary research articles using GenAI, with an emphasis on academic honesty and mastering citations. Throughout the semester, students also engaged in metacognitive reflections. Thirty-eight students submitted reports. In the first assignment, 36% submitted plagiarized content, and 76% did not cite information correctly. Instances of plagiarism and incorrect citations were addressed with robust feedback. Over the next three collaborative assignments, students revised their content. By the final assignment, a team presentation, all instances of plagiarism had been removed. However, there was considerable variability in citation errors. In conclusion, this activity encouraged critical reflections about the ethical implications of GenAI, thus promoting culturally responsive and inclusive educational practices. As educators, we must continue to explore new pedagogical strategies to leverage GenAI effectively.
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Helping Students Explore and Build Positive STEM Identities: An Interdisciplinary Cohort Design
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Preparing STEM majors for careers remains a significant challenge, and retention of undergraduate STEM majors has proven difficult at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg. The "Exploring STEM Identity through a Science Learning Interdisciplinary Community Expansion (SLICE)" project aims to enhance student skills and foster interdisciplinary connections through cohort experiences. The project focuses on how connections with peers and faculty impact STEM identity and how students develop expertise through career exploration. The SLICE program has implemented strategies to support scholars, including: 1) Cohorts, Summer Bridge, & Block Scheduling: These initiatives reduce barriers and foster authentic peer connections. 2) STEMinar: A first-year seminar that enhances time management, decision-making, and problem-solving while allowing scholars to explore their identities. 3) Short Courses & Mentoring: These tools help expand scholars' communication, technical skills, and self-efficacy. 4) Career Events, Research Projects, & Apprenticeships: Collectively, these methods aim to influence identity formation and retention by creating supportive, enriching environments while providing practical experience and exploring STEM fields. To evaluate the effectiveness of the program, qualitative (e.g., focus groups) and quantitative (e.g., academic performance, surveys) data have been collected for the scholars and a matched cohort. Preliminary results show that scholars have higher GPAs (3.69) than the control group (3.09). Scholars rated summer bridge activities highly, with strong engagement (4.70/5) and a high likelihood of recommendation (4.75/5). STEMinar feedback was positive, with students valuing the transition support, relationship building, and skill development. SLICE career events have been well-received; most students felt a strong connection with the professionals, saw career potential, and were inspired to pursue careers. Mentorships received positive feedback regarding faculty relationships, access, support, and advice. Scholars highlighted the importance of building connections through mentorship opportunities during focus groups. We hope continued participation in the program will increase retention and graduation rates and positive STEM identity formation.
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Impact of online practice exams on introductory biology course performance and persistence in the pandemic era
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
It is generally accepted that the COVID-19 pandemic affected curriculum and delivery of biology education in high school. How does this translate to college biology success? In this study, post-pandemic student success in an introductory biology course (BIO 121: Foundations in cell and molecular biology) that was taught in person at a small liberal arts college was examined. Students enrolled in the course from 2020-2023 were considered to be pandemic-affected as they faced disruptions and/or changes in their high school biology education. In the pandemic-affected group, we observed that preparedness of incoming students (introductory cell and molecular biology concept inventory pre-course score, Shi et al., 2009) declined by 3.3% (Mann-Whitney test, p=0.003) while the course withdrawal rate increased by 8%. To improve persistence and support less-prepared students, we implemented an intervention: online, low-stakes practice exams. The practice exams were developed in-house to make it affordable to students, were aligned with the student learning outcomes for the course, were accessible through the learning management system, were graded, and allowed for two untimed attempts. We hypothesized that the practice exams would improve course performance and persistence. We assessed the effectiveness of practice exams by comparing students enrolled in BIO 121 during years 2021 and 2022 as the pre-intervention cohort and students enrolled in BIO 121 during 2023 as the post-intervention cohort. The course performance and exam averages of the pre-intervention and post-intervention groups were compared and did not significantly differ (Mann-Whitney test, p>0.05). However, the course withdrawal rate declined dramatically in the post-intervention cohort by 13.5% and were comparable to pre-pandemic course withdrawal rates. We concluded that the interventions did not improve course performance, but improved course persistence and are therefore valuable to retain in the course in the future.
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Implementing a Simulated Biomedical Conference on COVID-19 Diagnosis at Various Institutions: Impact on Student Learning of Vision and Change Core Concepts and Competencies
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
As a part of the ImmunoReach network, an interdisciplinary group that aims to foster immune literacy beyond immunology courses, we developed a QUBES open-source role-playing activity called ‘When tests disagree, how do I know if I have COVID-19?’. This activity was designed to address Vision and Change (V&C) core concepts and enable students to practice core competencies in a real-world scenario. As a jigsaw activity, students engage in a case study, select a specialty (epidemiologist, infectious disease doctor, or immunologist) to interpret SARS-CoV-2 tests (PCR, antigen, and antibody), and communicate the results to a patient. The activity and V&C-aligned assessment materials are ready-to-use, adaptable and relevant to a variety of course types. The activity was implemented in varied course and institutional settings, including introductory or upper-level microbiology- or immunology-themed courses at four institutions (a 2-year college, two 4-year colleges, and an R1 institution; two of the four instructors were not the original developers of the activity). We hypothesized that the activity would improve student learning of two V&C core concepts, Information Flow and Structure and Function. We measured student learning using a 15-question multiple-choice pre/post quiz (pre, n=170; post, n=164). There was a significant pre-to-post improvement with a mean total score increase of 1.733 (SE=0.278; p
avatar for Aparna Shah

Aparna Shah

Collegiate Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech
avatar for Sean Coleman

Sean Coleman

Associate Professor of Biology, Wartburg College
I am an associate professor at Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa who has been in higher education for 23 years. I primarily teach Microbiology, Cell Biology, and Immunology. I am on the organizing committee for the American Society of Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators... Read More →
avatar for Archana Lal

Archana Lal

Professor of Biology, Labette Community College
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Incorporating Study Skill Assignments in Introductory Biology Course Improves Outcomes
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
For the past several years, we have been redesigning our large enrollment introductory biology lecture course, Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology, to decrease our DFW rates for all students. Efforts included active learning lectures, group activities, and increased resources such as peer lead study sessions. Despite these interventions, we continued to hear feedback from our students that they felt unprepared for the academic demands and organizational skills that college-level classes require. Therefore, we intentionally integrated study skill development as part of the class curriculum. We integrated nine study skills assignments which accounted for 5% of the overall summative assignments. These included assignments that focused specifically on academic preparedness (such as note taking, concept mapping, and exam wrappers), reflections on STEM identity, organizational skills, and resource utilization. While there was a small decrease in the overall DFW rates for the class, from 18% down to 14%, we saw a significant overall DFW rate decrease in underrepresented minorities from 36% to 24%. Student evaluations also reflected positively on the inclusion of the study skill assignments with 7% of respondents stating that study skill assignments were most helpful to their learning in the course.
avatar for Eileen Hotze

Eileen Hotze

Associate Teaching Professor, University of Kansas
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Native California Plants and Classical Microbiology to Foster Inquiry, Discovery, and Inclusion in the Classroom
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
With the rise in antibiotic resistance, researchers are looking into local environments to source pharmaceuticals from plant materials. One source that is little explored is the medicinal plants used in Indigenous communities. California State University, Channel Islands (CSUCI) is built on unceded Chumash land. As a result, our institution has the privilege of collaborating with local Chumash communities to steward the land's natural and cultural ancestry. The exercise we developed utilizes the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion assay (KB assay), a standard laboratory technique focused on testing the effectiveness of various antibiotics on bacterial cultures. However, instead of antibiotics, we utilize plant extracts derived from Native California species, associated with Chumash medicine in recognition of CSUCI’s relationship with the Chumash. In addition to testing local medicinal plants, this activity aimed to increase the students’ sense of belonging. During the lab activity, students discuss antibiotic resistance's impact and holistic discovery's role in creating new pharmaceuticals. Students also examine how their cultural and familial teachings may be a source of scientific/academic inquiry. Then, they perform the KB assay using prepared extracts and antibiotics. Students then interpret the Zones of Inhibition (ZOI) for each extract (Wild buckwheat and Rue) and antibiotics (Tetracycline and Amoxicillin/ Clavulanic Acid), comparing them to cut-offs provided by the Clinical Laboratory Science Institute (CLSI) to determine the bacterial strains’ susceptibility. Most plant extracts were proven ineffective against our bacterial strains- E.coli, P. fluorescens, and B. subtilis. However, the Rue extract showed intermediate and susceptible results against Bacillus subtilis. Nevertheless, through this lab exercise students engaged in a novel method for a standardized microbiology technique and expressed their feelings of belonging in survey-based feedback. In the future, we hope to analyze the survey responses and classroom engagement to foster increased belonging in STEM among diverse groups of students.
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Promoting Inclusive and Achievement-Oriented Practices in STEM Classrooms Using a Faculty Learning Community Model
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Deficit remedial models (“fix the students”) have not been effective in addressing racial/ethnic persistence gaps in STEM fields. We hypothesize that shifting faculty and institutions toward anti-deficit, achievement-oriented thinking and practices will improve introductory science experiences for PEER (Persons Excluded by Ethnicity and/or Race) students and reduce racial/ethnic disparities in opportunity and outcomes in STEM disciplines. As part of a larger project, we designed an inclusive faculty development program based on the faculty learning community (FLC) model. We asked if FLC participants (1) gained knowledge about the magnitude and causes of inequities in STEM education, (2) gained knowledge about tools for inclusive teaching, (3) had a change in attitude away from a deficit mindset about students, and (4) increased in readiness to implement changes in their classes. We have completed two cohorts of our FLC (n = 17 participants). Seven semi-weekly sessions involved a combination of reading discussions and interactive activities centered around an introduction to deficit thinking and inequities in STEM education, instructor and student identities, and an introduction to inclusive teaching methods. We conducted pre- and post-FLC assessment using both quantitative (Likert-scale survey) and qualitative (group discussions, individual written reflections) methods. We saw a noticeable shift in quantitative responses from deficit toward achievement-oriented attitude and an increase in knowledge about inclusive education following participation in the FLC. Most participants reported an increase in interest in using inclusive practices. The qualitative responses supported the quantitative assessment and indicated very significant impacts on some individual participants. We conclude that this faculty learning community model was effective, at least in the short term, in shifting participants towards an anti-deficit, inclusive mindset. We will continue to gather data to see if these short-term changes in attitude result in longer-term changes in practice that reduce equity gaps for PEER students.
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Simulated medical laboratory experiences increased students’ perceived comfort communicating technical information by telephone
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
As the number of traditional hospital medical lab internships decrease, university-based simulation labs are becoming an important tool in medical laboratory education. While simulation has been well studied in allied health professions such as Nursing, literature regarding the efficacy of simulation in a medical laboratory context is limited. We developed a university-based simulation lab course to replace/supplement a mandatory hospital-based internship rotation in microbiology and blood bank. We anecdotally observed that many students and new Medical Lab Scientists are intimidated by talking on the phone in a laboratory setting. One goal of our course was to increase student comfort communicating technical microbiology or blood bank information with members of the healthcare team. Students practiced calling critical results, troubleshooting problem specimens, and fielding incoming calls through structured role-play activities. Both within a peer practice session, and with a simulated healthcare provider. Our research question assessed how these role-play activities affected students' perceived comfort in communicating technical information on the phone. We assessed the student’s perception through a set of four pre and post survey questions, measured using a Likert scale. Each question was designed to assess students’ perceived comfort in common communication scenarios in a medical laboratory setting. We hypothesized that the simulation lab would increase students’ perceived comfort communicating technical information on the phone. The simulation lab increased students’ perceived comfort communicating on the telephone in all four scenarios. Increases ranged between 0.81 and 1.07 points on a 5 point Likert scale, with an average increase of 0.91 points (±0.12 SD). A MANOVA showed these differences represent a statistically significant change in student comfort F(4,43)=5.13, (p=0.002). In conclusion, we found structured role-play activities are a valuable tool to increase students’ comfort communicating technical information by telephone.

Emily Matthys

Assistant Professor, Northern Michigan University
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Teaching Evolution in the Context of Immunology
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Evolution is listed as one of the core concepts in the national call to reform undergraduate biology education (AAAS, 2010). However, teaching evolution in the context of immunology has not been widely documented. To enable this discussion, we wrote a conceptual statement and invited educators to weigh in on this statement through surveys and semi-structured interviews. This qualitative study addressed the following three research questions with regards to the fundamental statement “Immune defenses vary based on organismal complexity” 1) How important and scientifically accurate is the statement?; 2) How well aligned is this statement with the concept of evolution?; 3) What are the concerns of immunology educators with regards to this statement? In total, we gathered 34 data points. The data showed that 82% of educators considered the statement to be scientifically accurate, and 73% considered that the statement is important for an immunology student to remember. In terms of alignment with the concept evolution, 69% of educators considered it to be well aligned. Upon thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews, 40% of the educators considered the statement to be fine as is. Concerns from the remaining 60% of educators could be captured with these three codes: a) Not clear, i.e.; the fundamental statement does not clearly convey the thought process or intent behind it, or the word choice is vague; b) Missing content, i.e.; words or phrases are missing from the fundamental statement.; c) Not suitable, i.e., The fundamental statement is not suitable to their course, either because of the course level or structure. These comments led to an extensive discussion amongst the co-investigators of this study, and informed the final revisions. The data and accompanying discussion will help researchers and educators adopt a backward design based pedagogical approach, to address the concept of evolution in the context of immunology education.

Rebekah Taylor

Chair and Associate Professor, Frostburg State University

Thiru Vanniasinkam

Associate Professor, Charles Sturt University
avatar for Archana Lal

Archana Lal

Professor of Biology, Labette Community College
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Virtual Reality Produces Learning Gains and Other Benefits in a STEM Higher Education Classroom
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Immersive technologies such as Virtual Reality are gaining in popularity and expanding in educational use. However, there are still many gaps in the research of virtual reality’s effectiveness in the higher education classroom. The research described here examines the effectiveness of virtual reality as an initial laboratory activity in an undergraduate cell biology course. This is an extension of our previous publication that shows perceived student learning gains. In our current research which examines cell biology sections in spring 2020 and 2023, students were asked to complete an attitude survey similar to what we used before, comparing virtual reality to another well-studied active learning strategy (concept mapping). This time the survey was extended to also include questions about feelings of belonging and showed strong support for the use of virtual reality as a tool to increase this vital aspect of higher education in addition to benefits such as a perceived increase in understanding, engagement, and interest for the subject matter. Using pre- and post-assessments with the use of virtual reality resulted in quantifiable learning gains that were statistically significant for a cell labeling and matching assessment and similar to learning gains achieved with cell concept mapping. Both virtual reality and cell concept mapping resulted in learning gains, while use of these different types of active learning strategies yielded different benefits in student surveys. This research adds to the growing body of literature studying the effectiveness of virtual reality in STEM higher education.
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

11:00am EST

Who is the peer in peer review? Engaging undergraduate students in preprint peer review
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Undergraduate science education often focuses on how experiments are carried out and the scientific knowledge as communicated in the research literature, but neglects engaging students in the critical peer review process that validates such scientific findings. We propose integrating peer review teaching into undergraduate STEM curricula to unveil this critical, yet hidden, aspect of scientific practice. We developed and evaluated a constructivist, service-learning curriculum where undergraduate biology students learn about peer review, then write and publish reviews of preprints. Initially piloted with advanced students at Mt. Holyoke, this project adapted the course for first-semester students at Oxford College of Emory University. We investigated how authentic peer review engagement impacts students' scientific literacy, identity, and understanding of the course topic: the Covid-19 pandemic. The 15-week course, delivered to 17 first-year students, covered peer review history, sociology, and mechanics, followed by practical evaluation and construction of review reports. Students completed individual and group peer reviews of SARS-CoV-2 preprints. Surveys assessing science literacy, identity, belonging, and SARS-CoV-2 biology understanding were conducted throughout the course and analyzed using one-way ANOVA and paired t-tests. Results showed increases in students' self-efficacy, science identity, and networking factors after the first peer review assignment, with more significant increases following group reviews. These trends mirrored those observed in the previous iteration with advanced students at Mt. Holyoke. Significant gains across all metrics were reported upon course completion. Our study concludes that: 1. Exposing students to hidden aspects of science, like peer review, can enhance their affinity with the scientific community and understanding of scientific processes. 2. Students with limited experience can learn to provide effective peer reviews, suggesting implications for broadening the pool of potential peer reviewers and their training in scientific publishing.
Saturday November 16, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

A Novel Bacteriophage Transduction Activity for Any Sized Microbiology Course
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is an important process among bacteria to increase genetic diversity and thereby survival in ever changing environmental conditions. Mechanisms of HGT, such as transformation, conjugation and transduction, result in the sharing of genes among bacteria that can have medically important consequences, such as the development of antibiotic resistant bacterial strains. While the concept of HGT is relatively straight-forward, generalized and specialized transduction can be confusing processes for microbiology students. In this novel, hands-on activity, participants will play the role of student by organizing pre-printed cards into a concept map that depicts how the life cycle steps of virulent and temperate bacteriophages can lead to generalized and/or specialized transduction. Content in this activity aligns with Fundamental Statements 2, 3, 10, 11, 14, 19, and 1f of Part II Scientific Thinking and Laboratory Skills of the ASM Core Curriculum Guidelines.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

A Playful Approach to Project Based Learning through LEGO
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Graduate educators and technology industry leaders identify similar skills for successful graduate students and employees: to learn independently, to take risks without fear of failure, to work in diverse groups towards a common goal, self-reflection and metacognition, and to design a learning and/or project strategy and follow through. Play Included, a Community Interest Company in Cambridge, UK., has developed the Brick-by-Brick® Program, a collaborative LEGO building experience, to foster these skills in neurodivergent youths and neurotypical peers through "Brick Clubs". Through Carnegie Mellon University's Project Baseplate, we will present the implementation and preliminary assessment findings from the first college course designed along the principles of this program, held at Chatham University, with the goal of developing these skills in undergraduate students. By collaboratively navigating and narrating LEGO build challenges, we propose that students will develop resiliency, a sense of ownership, accomplishment, and self-efficacy in a play-based environment.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Antibiotics in a Communication-Intensive General Education Course: (Student) Resistance is Futile...Or Is It?
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
At Case Western Reserve University, all undergraduate students are required to take 2 seminar/discussion-based or "communication-intensive" courses as a general education requirement. For the past several years, I have taught one such course called "Antibiotics: From Miracle Drugs to Superbugs" appropriate for students from any discipline. Major writing assignments are scaffolded and culminate in a 10-12 page position paper proposing to design a new therapeutic to battle a resistant bacterium or fungus coupled with a "Shark-Tank"/"3-Minute Thesis" style elevator pitch for funding. In my mind, my biggest challenge is promoting in-class student discussion; students are highly reluctant to participate. I will outline some past and current strategies, but I seek audience suggestions to improve in-class engagement, conversation, and interaction. How can I better ensure students feel included...assuming they wish to be included?

Susan Wang

Associate Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Assessing how Group Discussions can Promote Social Metacognition and Improve Students' Learning, Retention and Engagement in Class
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
BIOL2299 course prepares first-year students to develop the skills they need to read, analyze and present scientific articles. Students also interview a research faculty, review the projects in the faculty's lab and give a group chalk-talk. As students are new to the academic and social environment, they are hesitant to speak up in class and share their thoughts on scientific articles. This project shares how strategies, such as group discussions can promote social metacognition to enhance students' learning. In each class, for the last 15 minutes, students worked in groups to dissect experimental concepts. They practiced peer teaching, generated concept maps, answered one another’s questions and wrote their muddy points on exit cards. They reviewed my answers to exit card questions before next class. This approach improved class performance and engagement as evident from their posters, chalk-talks and grades. In future, I plan to introduce group learning in all classes.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Case Studies to Teach Vision and Change, Socioscientific Issues, and DEI/J Concepts: Stories that make Content Stick
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
The complex processes that make up the living world are frequently taught individually and without real-world context. Mentors from the Case-Based Active Science Education (CASE) network are working with faculty from across the country to build teaching case studies (TCS) that teach Vision and Change content within the context of socioscientific issues (SSI) and diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice principles. In this session, we will demonstrate how to start building a TCS. Attendees will leave with ideas to make a case study of their own, a template for case study writing, and information about joining our growing network.

Nancy Boury

Associate Professor, Iowa State University
Microbiologist interested in active learning, assessment, buildling and using case studies to teach general microbiology, general biology, general genetics.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Catholic Social Teachings in Microbiology: How Catholic Social Teaching Principles Can be Used to Connect Microbiology to Social Justice in an Undergraduate Microbiology Course
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
The Catholic Social Teaching (CST) principles are a set of guidelines to inform Catholics on creating a fair and just society, upholding the dignity of every person and caring for the poor and vulnerable. These principles are more broadly linked to social justice by promoting actions that support equal rights for all people. To allow students to understand how Catholic Social Teachings and social justice issues can be linked to the field of microbiology, an assignment was created in an undergraduate microbiology course that asked students to choose a population protected by CST principles and identify an infectious disease that disproportionality affects this group. The students were then tasked with creating a public service announcement specifically designed to educate, and therefore empower, this target population. This assignment allowed students to understand the link between social justice and microbiology and empowered students to use their knowledge to bring about change.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Connections with models: Engaging students to evaluate, share, and make connections between models in biology and across courses
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Modeling is a key scientific practice shared among scientific fields and recognized as a Core Competency for biology undergraduate education in the “Vision and Change” report. Opportunities to engage with models abound in every course and “modeling instruction” materials are available. Yet modeling use in undergraduate biology remains rare. I will first interactively present the “Connections to My Courses” project as a way for diverse students to 1) make connections to their own experiences, interests, and goals, 2) critically evaluate models from different courses, 3) metacognitively reflect on their learning, 4) tap into the multidisciplinary nature of science and 5) communicate scientific concepts (targeting 2-3 additional Core Competencies relevant to all Core Concepts). Next, participants will consider how to build in opportunities for their students to evaluate, share, and make connections between models that are already used in their course (or how to incorporate modeling instruction in instructor professional development).
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Creating a Flexible Framework to Allow Student Designed Research as Part of an Environmental Microbiology Class
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Students conducting microbiology research learn to cultivate, observe, and differentiate microorganisms using the scientific process, whereas typical lab-based courses train these skills through manufactured activities. Through a new Environment Microbiology course, a lab was developed to teach both foundational techniques and the scientific method through student-designed research. In this pilot semester, a created structured framework centered on food microbiology to ensure necessary skill-development and student agency in choosing specific research questions. But there is flexibility in the lab framework to allow each semester to focus on additional areas of environmental microbiology. Students worked communally through class discussions on a common goal to create an environment of collaboration, while designing and conducting research in smaller groups allowing ownership of their learning. Areas to ‘brew’ for future semester include evaluating both student assessments and summative assessment tools to determine how this lab design affects student attitudes and confidence in science.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Encouraging Student-Ownership and STEM Identity through Student-Created Lab Manual
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Lab manuals can be a costly item for students to purchase and yet typically do not capture all the activities for a class–-thus, requiring supplemental activities and deviations from the protocol. This can cause confusion and frustration and ultimately keep students from fully utilizing this valuable resource. In response, we are organizing a student-created lab manual that is customizable to the course and created by the students, themselves. Through this project, students will enhance their microbiology laboratory skills as they develop the components they feel essential to a lab manual. This project was developed in line with culturally responsive pedagogy by providing opportunities for student-centered instruction. It is hoped that students will feel a sense of empowerment and improved STEM identity as they play a significant role in creating the course material to be used by future students.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Evaluating the Impact of Structured Homework Assignments on Student Performance in an Upper Division Genetics Course.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Upper division Genetics courses, particularly the molecular genetics section, can be challenging for students. Students often come to class unprepared and neglect pre-class reading assignments. To address this, we incorporated weekly homework assignments from the publisher's website into the syllabus. These assignments included multiple-choice and matching questions, with points awarded for completion. We hypothesized that these homework assignments would improve performance, particularly among C (70-79%) and D (60-69%) students. We compared final exam grades from semesters with and without homework assignments, categorizing students into A (above 90%), B (80-89%), C (70-79%) and D (60-69%) groups based on Exam 1 results. Although 67% of students (N=43) felt the assignments helped prepare for class, 28% admitted to clicking through answers. No significant differences in final exam performance were observed between the homework-assigned and control groups. This suggests that incentivized homework can enhance readiness, its impact on performance needs further investigation.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Experiential learning via extended-Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
The field of microbial genomics is rapidly advancing, yet there is a notable opportunity to bridge the gap in undergraduate education linking microbial physiology and genomics, particularly for underrepresented minorities. We aim to integrate advanced microbiology and genomics into its curriculum, enhancing hands-on learning opportunities. This initiative has updated two courses: biotechnology explorations and genomics and bioinformatics, linked through an extended-Course-based Research Experience (eCURE). Students kick off with engaging activities like pipetting by design, mastering this fundamental skill through interactive methods. As they progress, they dive into microbial enrichments, culturing unknown microbes from seawater, high-throughput microbial physiology experiments, data analysis, and genome sequencing, fostering a sense of scientific contribution and ownership. Biomathematical skills are seamlessly woven throughout the curriculum. This project aims to bolster technical skills, scientific communication, and pathways to STEM careers, serving as a model for other HBCUs to elevate diversity and inclusion in STEM, particularly in microbiology.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

High Achievement in Organic Chemistry is a Good Indicator of Success in General Microbiology
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Organic Chemistry I (CHM2210) and Biology I (BSC2010) are pre-requisite to General Microbiology (MCB3020C) at the University of Central Florida (UCF), similar to other universities in Florida. While Biology I is a general education course completed by every student in the state, Organic Chemistry is only required for certain majors. In general, Organic Chemistry is a difficult topic: students are required to use critical thinking, demonstrate their ability to analyze information, and apply their knowledge to conceptual questions – much like how we teach and test students in General Microbiology. During discussions about possible curriculum changes, we have investigated removing the requirement for Organic Chemistry I and returning to only requiring Biology I and Chemistry Fundamentals I (CHM2045). To address this possible curriculum change, we independently measured student success in the current pre-requisites and compared those with the student’s success in General Microbiology. The data collected is based on students who have taken General Microbiology in the previous three years, post-COVID-19, in a face-to-face modality. A trend was observed while matching students’ success in Organic Chemistry to their final General Microbiology grade: the grade they received in Organic Chemistry similarly matched their final grade for General Microbiology, with few exceptions. Alternatively, student success in General Microbiology based on Biology I achievement revealed students who received an “A” in Biology I only had an increased chance of passing the class at best, compared to those students who finished the general education course with a “B” or “C.” These findings reinforce the requirement of Organic Chemistry I as a pre-requisite for General Microbiology, suggesting students may not be adequately prepared for the burden of this 5 credit hour course.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

It’s okay to be wrong (and it’s good to be corrected) – reducing stigma and building grit for learning biology
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Active learning methods encourage instructors to engage students by asking questions and fostering student-questioning. Instructor behavior significantly influences student participation, with positive feedback enhancing feelings of autonomy, while necessary constructive feedback can sometimes hinder motivation. To address this, we propose creating a classroom environment that normalizes fears of being incorrect or asking basic questions through the game 'Stump the Chump.' In this activity, student groups choose a topic, develop a series of questions with varying difficulty levels, and anticipate incorrect, partially correct, and correct answers using a structured worksheet. The instructor then intentionally provides an incorrect answer, prompting group discussions and peer questioning to find the correct answer collaboratively. This method builds 'grit' and resilience, encouraging student participation and fostering a supportive learning atmosphere. 'Stump the Chump' aims to enhance engagement, promote collaborative learning, while normalizing the scientific process of receiving feedback and reassessing conclusions in undergraduate microbiology education.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Microbial March Madness: A CURE for bacterial physiology
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Through the “Microbial March Madness”, students will learn about the specific environmental adaptations of the different microbes to develop and test their hypotheses about the environmental fitness of individual microbes. The Microbial March Madness CURE embraces the TTU love of NCAA basketball by allowing the students to prepare and experimentally test an NCAA-style March Madness bracket of microbes pitted against each other. The benefits of CUREs include enhancing the student's awareness of what it means to be a researcher, increasing their likeness to stay in STEM careers, and helping students discover their science identity. We additionally seek to assess whether our CURE assists in promoting a better understanding of complex topics covered in our upper-level microbiology electives lectures by comparing the knowledge and lab skills between students who are taking only a bacteria physiology lecture class, and students that are taking both classes: Bacteria Physiology and Microbial March Madness.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

OER: Online Encyclopedia of Biological Methods
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
The Encyclopedia of Biological Methods (EOBM) helps solve a problem faced by many biology faculty. Using primary literature in our classes is good practice, but not all students have the same background in different methods used in journal articles. The EOBM is written to briefly introduce a variety of biological methods to students with a basic understanding of introductory-level college biology. It introduces information at the correct level of technicality, can be more trusted and directed than the results of a Google search, and can directly address common undergraduate misconceptions. This is an ongoing project, and I hope to identify collaborators to contribute entries. These could be written by faculty, graduate students, or postdocs, or undergraduates could write entries as part of a course project, with the possibility of high-quality entries being published in the EOBM. The EOBM is openly licensed as CC BY-SA and is housed on LibreTexts.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Re-Enactment for Engaging Learners in the Classroom
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
To engage diverse learners, we often look for methods beyond didactic lectures. Particularly for complex biological processes, incorporating learner-centered strategies often seems to require significant time and efforts that neither instructors nor students have. In this microbrew, attendees will participate in a live re-enactment of bacterial peptidoglycan synthesis. As part of this re-enactment, attendees will also act out the mechanisms of antimicrobials that target the peptidoglycan structure as well as the common resistance mechanisms.This engagement practice allows students, both of those re-enacting and those observing, to visualize a complex process and develop critical thinking skills to make predictions on interruptions on the process with real-world relevance and applications. Moreover, this engagement strategy is easily adaptable and customizable for all instructors and learners.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Research based study abroad course - India
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
This course will be a transformative educational experience that goes beyond traditional classroom teaching. It emphasizes the importance of global collaboration and cultural immersion. Students will interact with local researchers and peers, fostering a diverse academic exchange while understanding different perspectives in scientific research. The course is designed to emphasize the process of inquiry, scientific thinking, and equip them with laboratory and data analysis skills. They will visit local research institutes and will experience India's vibrant culture, which will enhance their social and cultural adaptability. The project is designed to address the rise of multidrug-resistant (MDR) organisms focusing on investigating the antimicrobial properties of local plant extracts and nanoparticles against them. India's rich biodiversity, and traditional medicinal practices, provide an ideal environment for exploring alternative resources to combat drug resistance. The experience will prepare students for future research endeavors and collaborative projects, contributing to the global fight against antimicrobial resistance.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Team projects to promote interest in basic microbiology
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Traditional lecture-based approaches have long been the cornerstone of undergraduate education; however, the paradigm is shifting towards more interactive and engaging methodologies. Flipped-classroom, online tools, gamification and group work via team projects are only some of the recommended approaches. To further facilitate student self-engagement, a new concept of allowing students to select the specific topic from a predefined field, ensures the need to perform literature research and brainstorming during the course. As part of the activity, the students need to set-up their individual experimental plan. No formal instructions are provided on what work must be done. The selected techniques are subsequently validated in laboratory experiments and presented as a research project. As a result, after the course undergraduate students have obtained skills in preparation of a scientific work (as precursor for Bachelors thesis), teamwork, own task set up, and collaboration just within 13 weeks of study.

Linda Mezule

Riga Technical University
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Undergraduate Education Officers for Research Programs
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
In 2023, a research expedition sailed to the Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank to collect geochemical and microbiological samples from the marine crustal aquifer using existing subsurface borehole observatories. This subseafloor environment is approximately 62 ˚C, devoid of oxygen, and consequently home to unique thermophilic microorganisms. The site is also located within a Canadian Marine Area of Interest named Tang.ɢwan–ḥačxwiqak–Tsig̱is. To enhance the broader impacts of our expedition, berths were reserved for two First Nation observers and one education officer, a Hartwick College undergraduate biology major also enrolled in Hartwick’s education program. This inclusive approach aimed to integrate Indigenous perspectives into the scientific process and strengthen our educational outreach efforts. Here, the expedition co-chief and undergraduate education officer will discuss how working within Tang.ɢwan–ḥačxwiqak–Tsig̱is influenced our scientific objectives and will share lesson plans, which were designed for the community library, middle school students, and undergraduates.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

3:45pm EST

Using Authentic Research Experience to Stimulate Student Interest and Sense of Belonging
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Today’s undergraduate students in Biology frequently face many hurdles in the path toward academic success. Some of these hurdles include low self-confidence and a lack of a sense of belonging. These hurdles can be particularly intimidating for underrepresented minority and first-generation students. We proposed to address these specific hurdles with the development of a laboratory course that would introduce young students to authentic research and help build student camaraderie. The HCU biology department received an NSF grant to develop a sophomore-level laboratory course to accompany Cell and Molecular Biology. This course is taken as the third and final of our prerequisite courses. Students in the laboratory course participate in both an authentic research experience and in student learning teams designed to engage in lecture material. Students in the course participate in identical pre-lab and post-lab surveys with nine questions related to confidence in their own laboratory capabilities and ten questions related to their sense of belonging. Analysis of the survey data shows consistently higher scores in the post-lab survey compared to the pre-lab survey. This trend is even more pronounced for students in the underrepresented minority and first-generation groups. Our data suggest that the lab course is achieving the intended outcomes of increasing student self-confidence as well as sense of belonging.
Saturday November 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

A Scaffolded Biofilm Laboratory Project for Improving Student Learning of Scientific Methods
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Biofilms are ubiquitous, easy to grow and quantify, and provide useful systems for improving student learning of scientific methods. Biofilms were the focus of a semester-long scaffolded laboratory activity for upper-level biology and biochemistry majors. Shorter interspersed activities were used to introduce procedures so that the biofilm project served as a summative assessment of learning. There were five outcomes: 1) locate and summarize primary scientific literature about biofilms, 2) develop hypotheses and predictions to answer a scientific question, 3) design an experiment to test hypotheses and predictions, 4) analyze and present data in scientific format, and 5) present results in a written scientific report. The activity was scaffolded into four parts. For the first part individual students used scientific literature to identify variables impacting formation and/or growth of microorganisms as biofilms. For each variable they wrote a one-page summary of their learning. The remaining three parts of the activity were completed by pairs of students working collaboratively. For part two each pair submitted a proposal for a scientific experiment that contained an introduction to the question they proposed to investigate, accompanying hypothesis and prediction statements, detailed methods for completing the experiment, and a graph showing the data if the prediction was correct. Part three was a description of the experimental data analysis and results. Part four was a written description of the entire project in complete scientific format. Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms were grown in 96-well plates and density was measured by staining with safranin, which was eluted and quantified as absorbance with a plate reader. Achievement of all five learning outcomes were measured on scoring rubrics with four levels: achieved, competent, developed, and initiated. Median scores calculated for n=10 (outcome 1) or n=5 (outcomes 2-5) indicated a majority reached competent or achieved levels for all outcomes.
avatar for Mary Allen

Mary Allen

Professor of Biology, Hartwick College
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

A transposon-based CURE to improve student understanding of the genotype to phenotype concept
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Studies suggests that the molecular details of the Central Dogma are not properly learned, and students exhibit a superficial understanding of the genotype to phenotype (GP) link. Thus, we developed a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) that uses environmental bacteria as a means to directly identify and learn GP links. Here, we demonstrate the CURE, which includes transposon mutagenesis along with arbitrary PCR and bioinformatics, to connect GP traits. The CURE has been implemented in the Tiny Earth curriculum and tested in other science lab courses with success thus demonstrating its ease of adaptability at other institutions.
avatar for Joanna Klein

Joanna Klein

Assistant Professor of Biology, University of St. Thomas
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

CUREing the antibiotic crisis
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Mount Mary University (MMU) is a liberal-arts based, all female undergraduate institution in Milwaukee Wisconsin. 86% of our undergraduates come from Milwaukee. Their 53206 zip code denotes the 2nd most impoverished large city in the nation. 79% of our STEM undergraduates are women of color. Because of our high ranking in social mobility (2023 US News and World Report), MMU is in a position to bridge the gender divide by recruiting and retaining women from historically untapped groups to enter and succeed in STEM. We have completed year three of an NSF S-STEM track 2 award providing academically-talented, financially-in need students with rich, early and sustained opportunities to conduct original microbiological research. We implemented the Tiny Earth Program as a CURE (course-based undergraduate research experience). Here, students isolate and characterize soil bacteria as a source of previously unidentified antibiotic producing organisms. CUREs have been shown to increase retention, persistence to graduation, build a sense of belonging, and provide a space for cohort community building. Quantitative measurements given to the CURE-enrolled STEM students demonstrate that participation correlated with a higher overall motivation to learn and engage with science in general compared to control non-CURE students. CURE students indicated higher ‘inherent satisfaction in learning science for its own sake; and the belief they have control over their ability to learn science’. CURE participants more frequently saw traits of scientists in themselves and felt they identified as a scientist. Some anecdotal answers from the prompt “Do you feel this CURE provides community?” the students responded: “Yes, this is a safe space.”, “I look forward to coming.”, “We help each other to grow and learn.”, “There is a connection and belonging.”. Through this CURE, students report increased motivation, satisfaction and internal locus of control in relation to science, traits that correlate with STEM persistence.
avatar for Kathleen Boyle

Kathleen Boyle

Mount Mary University
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Deliberate Training in Argumentation Helps Promote Ethical Reasoning: The Case for Ethical Training
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Ethical reasoning and navigating often inevitable and complex power dynamics in research settings are critical skills for developing researchers. Thus, training and developing scholars through effective and adaptable interventions is critical. Case studies and argument analysis have been used to engage participants in analyzing scenarios that address the responsible conduct of research in various contexts. We developed a 200-level biotechnology and sustainability course that leverages the How We Argue adaptive course modules (developed by ThinkerAnalytix) and scaffolded case study analyses through a template reflection to promote a deeper understanding of complex ethical scenarios. We incorporated discussion forums for learners to share their interpretation of custom-tailored e-waste recycling case studies. Through this approach, participants completed the How We Argue module and transferred their reasoning skills to potential ethical dilemmas in biotechnology and the sustainability of electronic waste reuse. We hypothesized that argument analysis and open discussion of ethical scenarios would promote ethical reasoning skills. Mixed methods, pre-post surveys, and thematic analysis indicated that participants can identify ethical dilemmas yet vary in their ability to articulate the issues and their corresponding impact on power dynamics. Analyses of additional student responses and feedback will aid in the refinement of the case studies and more effective implementation of argumentation training and ethical reasoning in course-based research experiences.
avatar for Carlos Goller

Carlos Goller

Associate Teaching Professor, North Carolina State University
I am an Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences and teach in the Biotechnology Program (BIT) at North Carolina State University. I am very interested in integrating open practices in the courses I teach. I believe strongly in non-throwaway assignments... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Developing a semester-long CURE to support your research goals
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Course-based Research Experiences (CUREs) are an evidence-based tool to foster student belonging in the sciences. I implemented a CURE that I learned about in a JMBE article in an upper division course and witnessed students engage and experience ownership of working on their own samples. However, there was a disconnect between the data students were generating in the CURE and my own research. I implemented a top-down and bottom-up approach to design a new CURE for my course that supports my research agenda. I aim to help attendees develop CUREs that support both their students and research program.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

E-Portfolios and Individualized Learning in a Large STEM Class
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
This session presents a transformative approach to education implemented in a large microbiology/STEM course (120+ students). By eliminating quizzes and exams as assessments, we shifted to utilizing e-portfolios to assess student learning. E-portfolios allow students to draw connections between the course material in creative ways. and enhances their critical thinking and application skills. Attendees will discuss various assessment strategies and learn how to design assignments that can be included in a portfolio. We will also share insights from our course transformation and highlight the impact on student learning and their overall engagement in the class.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Educational Integration of Biofilm Research: Creating a Versatile Assay for Diverse Bacterial Species
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Many students struggle with basic microbiological concepts, like the formation of biofilms, even though this knowledge is relevant to their careers like public health (nursing, pre-med, dental hygiene, surgical technology, etc.). To get students more engaged with the course materials, the creation of a biofilm assay and subsequent laboratory exercise were designed with three intentions: one of improving student interest, understanding and retention about biofilms, two to give students practical experience in designing and performing labs, and three a way for students to contribute to the curriculum of the course. First, a group of former microbiology students met over the summer to assist in the setup of the biofilm assay based on a protocol by O’Toole. Then two students completed a practice run to troubleshoot the linguistics. Once some changes were implemented, these students led the other students in our group in the exercise. Some of the students wrote up the process that was published in our Journal of Emerging Scholarship and presented at a state STEM conference. The students who participated in this exercise had an increased interest in research and had more insights on what goes into course design and how much this exercise would have improved their understanding of biofilms by having real-life examples. In the future, a case study and exercise will be developed for implementation in the classroom. The purpose of this poster is to highlight the relevance of this work, the logistics, the results, and lessons learned after completing the design.

Sandra Fox-Moon

Assistant Professor Biology, Anne Arundel Community College
I am the microbiology coordinator at Anne Arundel Community College and looking to incorporate research into the course.Currently, I am working on Proteus mirabilis biofilms.Besides research I am always looking for ways to engage students on difficult topics like cell parts, diffusion/osmosis... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Empowering Low -Income students in STEM through NSF-S-STEM Program
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Community colleges play a vital role in bridging demographic disparities in science and technology by offering accessible STEM education to many low-income, first-generation, and minority students. Despite inclusive teaching practices, economic obstacles often impede student success, prompting the need for additional support strategies. National Science Foundation funded S-STEM Scholars Program at Minneapolis College (MC) is tailored to aid financially disadvantaged students in STEM. The program, spanning up to five semesters, offers a two-prong approach providing financial support through scholarships and enriching scholars undergraduate experience through high impact STEM enrichment activities like research experiences and faculty mentoring. Over a four-year period, the S-STEM program has supported 55 students hailing from low-income backgrounds, 53% being first-generation college students, and representing diverse minority groups, aligning with the institution's demographics. The program facilitates cohort meetings for community-building, advisor sessions for educational planning, and faculty mentorship for navigating challenges and achieving successful transfers. Faculty mentors, transcending social identity differences and institutional transitions, meet with each scholar twice per semester to support scholars as needed. These discussions often include academic progress, grades, course success, career planning, and job opportunities. Scholars document these interactions, with 75% of meetings focusing on academic progress and 61% on career planning, with 94% of students reporting awareness of support resources. The mentor-mentee relationship is key to the success of the program. The program's impact is further evidenced by degree completion and transfer rates. Of the 55 scholars during the 2020-2024 academic years, approximately 65% graduated, while 20% remain active and on track for graduation or transfer, resulting in an 85% retention or graduation rate. Continuous program enhancement aims to sustain and bolster retention efforts. MC's S-STEM program provides a comprehensive platform for students to engage in STEM activities and seamlessly transition to four-year institutions through a partnership with the PRISM project.

Renu Kumar

Dr. Biology Faculty, Minnesota State
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Exploring Microbes: An Inspirational Approach to Teaching Microbiology
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
We took an innovative approach to designing the microbiology course at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences. Students became explorers, collecting environmental samples from wetlands near the sea. Their interest and curiosity in investigating the microbes in their samples led them to the tools of wetlab microbiology. In a fun way, they used techniques like serial dilutions, colony isolation, microscopy, polymerase chain reaction, and gel electrophoresis. The excitement and passion throughout the semester were among the indicators of our success as creators of educational experiences in the classroom.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

From Hypothesis to Experiment: Enhancing Student Engagement in a Microbiology CURE with E. coli Single-gene Knockout Strains and Bacteriophage
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
This session will outline how the Host-Pathogen Interactions course-based research experience at the University of Maryland successfully engages first-year students in microbiology research utilizing single-gene knockout strains of E. coli to determine if disruption of specific host cell metabolic pathways impacts viral replication. Students in this CURE gain introductory training in microbiology laboratory techniques, formulate testable hypotheses, write research proposals, and produce and present summative research posters. Attendees will leave this session with an understanding of how to run an engaging microbiology-focused CURE suitable for first-year students.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Incorporation of a microbiology laboratory activity in OMS1 curriculum improves student attitudes and performance
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Microbiology is a vital component of preclinical education for both allopathic and osteopathic medical programs. However, many medical students have not completed an undergraduate medical microbiology course, making this their first introduction to the subject. Additionally, microbiology content in many medical schools is typically not supplemented by laboratory coursework. In this educational research project, first-year osteopathic medical students (OMS1) participated in a two-session microbiology lab activity covering colony isolation, differential and selective media, Gram staining, and catalase testing. Students completed surveys consisting of multiple-choice microbiology knowledge questions, and opinion questions on a Likert scale, both before and after the lab exercise. Paired T-tests were used to examine each student’s change in responses from the pre-survey to the post-survey. Performance on multiple-choice questions significantly improved after completing the lab activity, regardless of whether students had completed a microbiology course before or worked in a lab (outside of coursework) before. Performance on the post-survey also was not influenced by course readings completed between the two lab sessions. Additionally, students’ reported enjoyment of microbiology, enjoyment of lab work, and confidence in their ability to perform lab techniques and identify diagnostic tests improved significantly following this lab activity. In summary, implementation of lab activities in OMS1 curriculum should be considered when possible to improve understanding and attitudes towards microbiology content.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Innovations in pedagogy: How to engage a new generation of students?
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Team-based Learning, Self-directed learning, and problem-based learning are different pedagogical styles. Each has its own pros and cons. We will give practical examples of each and allow input from audience. We will discuss current challenges in light of a new generation of students that seem to like shortened versions and more focused education. The talk will be very interactive and audience will be asked to actively participate with the two speakers. We will emphasize that styles of learning need to match preferences of students and to take into consideration background and preparation of individual students. We will also cover group-based learning versus individual learning plans. This will all be done through one-minute activities that will involve the audience and would be practical case studies of what we are trying to convey. The interaction is expected to be organic and to be partly guided by the input of the audience.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Lessons from Ted Lasso for the College Microbiology Classroom
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Ted Lasso is a popular series on Apple TV+. It is about an American football coach who is hired to coach a professional soccer team in England. As Lasso struggles to understand an unfamiliar game and help his players work as a team to be successful, he utilizes a variety of philosophic ideologies to achieve his goals. Other academic and professional areas have used some of these ideals to achieve better outcomes in students or employees. No attempt has been made to link the lessons of Ted Lasso to college science. Students who take microbiology are nursing, biology, premed/vet students. These students need to achieve good grades in this course to succeed in their major. The stress these students feel is high. How do college science professors help these students achieve and maintain excellence while being cognizant of their mental health? Characteristics of Ted Lasso and his life lessons can and should be used in how we teach and mentor our microbiology students. These lessons, used in a college science classroom, can increase student success and lessen student anxiety. Of particular importance are using empathy, understanding, positivity, humility, resilience, and humor daily. Students appreciate being told that they should be a goldfish when something does not go right (i.e. poor exam grade, bad lab results); rather they should focus on the future. After instituting a Lasso-like classroom, all students were surveyed. Every student (100%) said they felt their professor conveyed that she believed in their ability to succeed in microbiology, showed empathy and encouragement, was positive, provided humor and a safe and nurturing learning environment. Using a Lasso –like classroom resulted in students saying that although the course material was challenging, they loved the classroom environment which was happy, fun, amazing and enjoyable.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Lessons Learned and Opportunities Discovered: Successful implementation of SEA-PHAGES at a 2-year Community College (Metropolitan CC) in Nebraska
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Background: Students interested in STEM fields who enroll in 2-year Community Colleges primarily do so to complete prerequisites for a pre-professional undergraduate degree. Metropolitan Community College (MCC), Omaha, Nebraska, broke new ground by offering a year-long SEA-PHAGES (Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science) curriculum based undergraduate research experience (CURE) program for college credit – the first and only community college in the state to do so. The program introduces students to cutting-edge research early in their academic journey, aligning with MCC's mission of delivering relevant, student-centered education to a diverse community. Statement of research question: Determining whether a CURE program can be implemented at a 2-year college addressing the aspects of diversity inclusion and equity. The inaugural cohort was remarkably diverse, including high school students earning college credits, returning adult learners reigniting their research interests, international students from Burkina Faso, Indonesia, and Cuba, local Nebraskans, and a homeschooled student from a military family. United by a shared goal of using SEA-PHAGES to propel themselves into STEM graduate programs, this cohort stood out from typical MCC science classes. The opportunity to conduct groundbreaking research and identify undiscovered bacteriophages with potential for phage therapy was a major draw. Supported by MCC scholarships, the course was highly successful, with 11 new bacteriophages identified and two genomes annotated in the Bioinformatics course. Students received accolades at multiple Nebraska conferences, including the Best Undergraduate Research Project in Biology at the Nebraska Academy of Sciences meeting. Concluding Statement: The program's success has led to expansion, with offerings at two campuses in 2024-25. Recruitment efforts include open houses, scholarship events, interviews, and potentially a summer camp for interested high schoolers. The community has taken notice, with coverage in the Omaha World Herald, KETV (ABC affiliate), and MCC's online and video publications.

Bhaswati Manish

Biology Instructor, Metropolitan Community College
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Perceived Academic Judgement Of Undergraduate Science & Agriculture Students Improves Upon Using An Assessment Literacy Module
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Success in higher education correlates with students' self-regulation and assessment comprehension. The Assessment Literacy Module (ALM) fosters student academic judgment and assessment literacy via interactive online tools. Students evaluate work samples using rubrics and expert marker feedback, enhancing understanding of marking standards. This study surveyed 18 staff and 416 students across ten undergraduate subjects, finding that 94.0% of students better understood assessment criteria, 90.3% felt more prepared for assignments, and 86.3% were more confident in their work after completing ALM. Staff perceptions mirrored student feedback. ALM is recommended for improving assessment literacy and academic judgment especially in large cohort subjects.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Strategies for Highlighting the Invisible Voices in Microbiology
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Only 1% of the environmental bacteria can be cultured. These bacteria are what microbiologists have studied in detail. There has been a historically tendency to teach students about the contributions to microbiology from scientists depicted in textbooks . Just as cultured bacteria are neglected in research, the contributions of marginalized communities in STEM, including women, people of color, researchers from developing countries, and LGBTQIA+ have been undervalued or overlooked by the scientific community. We will provide strategies and an evidence-based approach based on data from our in-person and online courses to facilitate inclusion of the invisible voices of in the classroom.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Strategies for implementing course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) integrated with an undergraduate journal
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
The University of British Columbia has pioneered a course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) model where students work in teams to conduct authentic research projects in both a wet-lab molecular biology and dry-lab data science course. A defining feature of our CURE model is publication in a peer-reviewed undergraduate journal. To assess development, we analysed publications and expert peer reviews to chart development with respect to scientific practices and benchmark the quality of the research relative to disciplinary standards. In this session, we leverage our experience to provide educators with guidelines to implement this model in their respective disciples and institutions.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Student-Created Posters: Unveiling Immunity Through Unique Analogies
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Immunology education often faces challenges in engaging students and fostering a deep understanding of complex concepts. Traditional methods may not always resonate with students or effectively convey the intricate workings of the immune system. To address these challenges, a novel teaching and assessment method using student-created posters with analogies has been developed. Can student-created posters with analogies effectively deepen students' understanding of immunological concepts, foster creativity, enhance communication skills, and serve as a meaningful summative assessment tool? Students in a microbiology course are tasked with creating posters that explain immune system processes using analogies. Rubrics are used to assess the clarity, creativity, and relevance of analogies. Qualitative analysis of posters shows a range of creative and effective analogies, demonstrating enhanced communication skills. Students successfully incorporate personal interests and experiences into their analogies, promoting engagement and ownership of learning. The posters deepen understanding, foster creativity, enhance communication skills, and serve as a meaningful summative assessment tool. This approach engages students in active learning, encourages critical thinking, and promotes a deeper appreciation of the immune system's complexities. In conclusion, integrating student-created posters with analogies into immunology education offers a dynamic and effective way to engage students, promote active learning, and assess comprehension and communication skills. This innovative approach can enhance the overall learning experience and contribute to a deeper understanding of this biological system.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

The Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment course-based undergraduate research experience as the foundation for an integrative first-year first-semester biology laboratory curriculum.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
The faculty of the first-year first-semester biology course at Wartburg College has developed an integrative laboratory curriculum that includes students experiencing the iterative nature of science, learning to read scientific journal articles, designing their own experiments, learning basic data analysis, and finally, presenting their findings at a poster session. This is accomplished using the Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment (PARE), a national course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) that surveils the soil, looking for levels of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that are then pooled with student-sourced data from across the country as the foundation for a laboratory curriculum to increase student persistence and belonging especially among underrepresented groups. This curriculum also introduces the looming worldwide antibiotic-resistance crisis to the students. The subjective reception from the students has been positive. The next step will be implementing a pre-post assessment, like the Classroom Community Scale (Rovai, A.P., 2002), to elucidate the laboratory curriculum's effectiveness.
avatar for Sean Coleman

Sean Coleman

Associate Professor of Biology, Wartburg College
I am an associate professor at Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa who has been in higher education for 23 years. I primarily teach Microbiology, Cell Biology, and Immunology. I am on the organizing committee for the American Society of Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators... Read More →
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Use of 3D-printed microscope adapters in an undergraduate biology lab course
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Background Increasing student ownership of classroom laboratory experiments improves information retention and overall student classroom experiences. High school and undergraduate students often use personal cell phones to document experimental data or attempt to capture microscope images on their phones for distinct reasons. Implementing cell phone microscope adapters can be clunky, expensive, and quickly obsolete if the camera position changes from phone model 8 to new phone model X. Therefore, implementing adapters in classroom environments can be difficult. Statement of research question Here we devised and utilized a low-cost 3D-printed cell phone mount for microscopes in a predominantly first-year undergraduate general biology classroom. The mount is adjustable, quickly removable, and does not damage the microscope. Study design and methods At the start of the semester, a 10-question pre-use survey was conducted using a 4-choice Likert scale (n=230). 73% of respondents strongly agreed with wanting to use their personal cell phone to record laboratory experiment data. Next, as a part of 3 different general biology lab weeks, students used the 3D-printed cell phone microscope adapters to record microscopic images of pond water, gram stains, and live Daphnia pulex organisms to measure heart rate. Data supporting effectiveness At the end of the course, students were asked to participate in a post-use survey (n=84). In the question, “Do you believe the cell phone adapter helped you engage with your lab work?” 64% of respondents selected strongly agree, while 31% of respondents selected agree. Concluding statement The overall positive response from the cell phone adapters showed that a 3D printed phone adapter for microscopes could successfully be utilized in a classroom and helped increase student ownership and inclusivity of their course-based laboratory work.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Use of nonfiction books to discuss ethical issues in Microbiology
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Tackling ethical issues in microbiology in an unbiased manner can be very challenging to do for undergraduate students. Using nonfiction books that are readily available is an easy and accessible way for student engagement. By combining this with lectures, podcasts and case studies about ethical issues pertaining to microbiology students, ethical critiques and discussion are done prior to their own ethical critiques of the books. Past iterations of this exercise would have a student give an ethical critique of an approved book as a presentation in addition to a paper at the end of the semester. Last semester it was changed to grouping students by ethical issues so they could provide the audience with case studies and discussion questions based on their books/ ethical issues covered.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Using podcasts and as an educational tool in Microbiology
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Microbiology is constantly changing: new methodology, nomenclature changes, and more. Both students and professionals that are in this field need to learn and keep up with a great amount of information. In an era of digital technology, podcasts can be used as an educational tool.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Using the MEGA-plate Experiment to Engage Students in Microbiological Concepts and Evolutionary Thinking Around Antibiotic Resistance
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
The MEGA-plate (Microbial Evolution and Growth Arena) experiment provides an elegant visual demonstration of bacteria rapidly developing antibiotic resistance. A short video describing the method and major results has already proven useful in the classroom. We have developed a set of curricular materials to connect details of the methods and results of the MEGA-plate experiment and antibiotic resistance to core microbiological concepts. These materials enhance the use of the video by providing important foundations before showing students the video, facilitating discussion of the video, and engaging students with deeper concepts and skills from the MEGA-plate research article, following the video.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366

4:50pm EST

Using “Arts to remember” (ATR) to improve the Pharmacy student’s conceptual understanding of concepts in advanced Microbiology
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Concepts of Immunology are advanced science courses in Microbiology which are often taught within the peak semesters of the pre-clinical years of study along with some other advanced sciences in the Pharmacy school. This makes learning problematic. The Co-operative learning and student-led teaching strategies as employed in higher education have shown to be effective in improving students' understanding of scientific concepts. For this reason, a modified mixed strategic approach (MMSA) which incorporated the above-mentioned teaching strategies were developed. To do this, a mixed methods research design was employed to explore the outcomes of the MMSA. The MMSA was translated into in-class student-led presentations dubbed the ‘Art to remember’ (ATR) approach. Class RX 26 was the target group for this study. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Concepts of Immunology classes were chosen for this study. Quantitative data was obtained with a google form survey and analysed with frequencies, mean tests, sample T-test and some other inferential statistics. In the qualitative data, thematic analyses on students' perception of learning with the ATR strategy was done through whole class discussions and google forms. The findings showed that the ATR strategy was an effective strategy for teaching as compared with the conventional approach. Although ATR could not exhaust the entire content of the topics of study, they improved concentration, allowed the expression of talents which is de-stressing and created opportunities to remember aspects of the content of the topics under study. Students perceived the opportunity to search and share information as well as relate these concepts to everyday arts in the like of poetry, singing, dancing, games and drama. The ATR strategy facilitated the understanding of concepts in the target courses of study. It is recommended that higher educators in biology incorporate the ATR strategy to teach concepts students find problematic.
Saturday November 16, 2024 4:50pm - 5:50pm EST
Allegheny II & III Federated Tower, 1000 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15366
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